The Thanksgiving Feast is Complete...

Stephanie Webster

Just finished up Thanksgiving dinner here at the Webster household, and it feels like we just gave birth. I know what you're's Friday not Thursday. We like to do things a little differently around here, and more importantly our sous-chef was eating turkey elsewhere last night. My husband made his 2nd annual Deep Fried Turkey, the star of the show, but there were many other supporting dishes that made this night a success. The best part..we didn't burn down the house.

If you have any Thanksgiving stories to share, post them below. Otherwise, here is what we are currently digesting. You will note an epic quantity of pork. Also worth highlighting was Michele's Pies signature Maple Pumpkin Pie with Pecan Streusel. It was fabulous!


Left to right:  Glazed Spiral Sliced Ham (don't ask); Deep Fried Turkey (we think the best way to cook your bird); Smoked Clementine Salted Turkey with Root Vegetables. Do you think we have enough meat here?

Left to right: Brussel Sprout Hash with Caramelized Onions & Pancetta; Roasted Corn Chowder with Chorizo; Potato & Autumn Vegetable Hash (with Beet Greens); Spicy Cornbread Stuffing with Peppers, Chipotle, and Andouille Sausage.

Not pictured: Oven-Baked Stuffing with Bacon & Apples; Sweet Potatoes with Marshmallows (How can ya not?).